Tell me
what would you pay
for a blade of grass
or a rainbow?
How much
is a breath
of fresh air
Living here
in this fertile land
it's easy
to take the sun
and rain
for granted
The earth
lies robbed
at the feet
of our greed
and neglect
Our children
stand impoverished
and uncertain
the inheritors
of our greed
and neglect
We have taken
and not given
We have said
neither please
nor thankyou
We have fallen
a long way short
of our caretaker
Yet Creation
blesses us
God gives us
his sacrament
of love
in seed and leaf
flower and fruit
Rain and sunlight
fall the same
on the innocent
and unjust
But like tears
and burning fever
on the face
of an unwell child
the earth
cannot hide
the symptoms
of her pain.
what would you pay
for a blade of grass
or a rainbow?
How much
is a breath
of fresh air
Living here
in this fertile land
it's easy
to take the sun
and rain
for granted
The earth
lies robbed
at the feet
of our greed
and neglect
Our children
stand impoverished
and uncertain
the inheritors
of our greed
and neglect
We have taken
and not given
We have said
neither please
nor thankyou
We have fallen
a long way short
of our caretaker
Yet Creation
blesses us
God gives us
his sacrament
of love
in seed and leaf
flower and fruit
Rain and sunlight
fall the same
on the innocent
and unjust
But like tears
and burning fever
on the face
of an unwell child
the earth
cannot hide
the symptoms
of her pain.